Saturday, March 17, 2007

Soccer Goalkeeping Drill

Each month we will feature a soccer drill from one of our soccer practice books. We will show you the training secrets behind the drill, how and why they improve your players and your team. This information is exclusive to this site. All our soccer drills in all our books have the same depth and training benefits behind them.

Today's soccer drill is Technical Drill #9 from our Soccer Goalie Practice Book. Please click on the link below to open the drill, print it and enjoy finding out the training concepts behind it:

continuous saves

Diving Technique

This drill practices low and high dives. By standing at one goal post, the keeper has the opportunity to come to full stretch. On the high throw, the keeper needs to push off the leg and dive up and across. On low shots, the keeper needs to crouch quickly, push off and dive down. It is important to keep proper shape. The keeper needs to reach for the ball with the hand that initially is closest to the ball. A lot of keepers want to reach over their head with the hand that is away from the ball initially. We recommend against that. Avoid rotating the body in the air. On the high shots yoy will likely land on your rib cage and the upper leg. On the low shots you will likely touch down with the leading hand/arm. We have lots of pictures showing proper positions on our goalie page (click link above)


Recovery for goalkeepers means getting up as quickly as possible after a dive and be back in the "ready position" for the next shot. This drill is excellent to train recovery. After the first save, the keeper needs get up as quickly as possible, turn to face the opposite attacker, get back to the post and be ready. Stress proper and fast recovery.


The reflex motion in this drill is in the recovery motion. After the save, the keeper needs to get up and quickly pivot to face the opposite attacker.

Fitness Development

The continuous crouching, pushing off and jumping develops upper leg strength. Be sure to alternate starting position between the two posts to ensure both legs develop evenly.

The recovery process and hustling back to the post after a save combined with the continuous shooting will increase the keepers heart rate. The aerobic base is being developed.

Game Application

Statistics show that most goals are scored in the corners, and the majority of those in the low corner. So this directly trains the most important shot stopping. Also goals are scored from within the penalty box, so these close in shots are ideal for game prep. Finally, goalies always need to recover quickly in games to face the next shot after a rebound.

Coaching Tips

Choose a striker for the shots and the second goalie for the throws. Alternate the goalies.