What Makes Excellent Soccer Drills?
Excellent and effective soccer drills must support the theme of the practice session. They must be targetted in complexity towards the age group and the competitive level of your team and players. They must motivate the players. Young kids need fun motivational games, older and more competitive players need more challenging exercises since they are motivated by accomplishment and competition.
Effective soccer drills must be easy to explain and demonstrate. They must be designed for the space and equipment available and must be adaptable as the players go through them (add or reduce the complexity). They must always show improvement in players performance from beginning to the end of the drill.
Excellent soccer drills must be relevant to game situations and players must easily understand how they can translate what they learned to a game. You can test this in the end-of-practice scrimmage. They must keep players' attention and interest and must keep players moving with a ball as much as possible and must always end with a success.
Our Practice Books And Resources
Kids Soccer Drills & Practices
Youth Soccer Drills & Practices
Competitive Soccer Drills & Practices
Soccer Goalie Drills & Practices
Indoor Soccer Drills & Practices