Saturday, January 14, 2006


The key difference between soccer goalkeeper training and regular team training is the experience of the coach. Most coaches have played soccer and can easily understand player and team skill deficiency and are able to provide corrective help, including demonstrations.

Not many coaches have goalkeeping experience and quite a few struggle with what to do with goalies during practice. Those who come up with drills and techniques are to be commended, yet, when they see errors they don't have the knowledge to correct them. So what is one to do about training one of the key and only specialty positions on the team?

Our advice is to first of all not to ignore the goalkeeper(s) and to get a dedicated person to work with them. If that person is a former goalie, great.

Second, find some specific goalkeeper training material in your bookstore or on the web and work out a practice plan for your keeper, just like you do for the team.

Third, send your goalie to goalkeeper clinics. Most of them are well worth the money. If at all possible, observe or even take a clinic yourself so you learn what a goalie should do and you acquire the skill to help your keeper.

We, at are developing a goalkeeper drills and practice plan book combined with a photo series to demonstrate key points. We expect to launch this addition to our portfolio by May 1, 2006.

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